Rotary Latches

Are you looking for a reliable and secure solution to secure your panels? Look no further than Southco's Rotary Latch Systems, available through Aero Materiel! These latches offer push-to-close convenience with concealed latching at one or more points of the application, providing a robust solution for your needs.

Our selection of Southco Rotary Latch Systems includes a wide range of compact mechanical and electromechanical designs made of durable materials suitable for any environment. With mechanical actuator solutions that provide flexible security with hand or keyed operation, and electromechanical actuator options that offer a hidden solution, you can trust that you'll find the perfect fit for your needs.

At Aero Materiel, we're dedicated to helping you find the right product for your specific requirements. Contact us today to learn more about our selection of Southco Rotary Latch Systems and to get the assistance you need to find the perfect product for your needs.