Nilsson Special Vehicles

Nilsson Special Vehicles AB is a company in the specialty car industry. They develop and manufacture ambulance vehicles, funeral cars, limousines and emergency cars. With its base in Laholm, it is the market leader in the specialty car industry, their cars can mainly be seen in Sweden and England, but sales are also made around the world. Nilsson Special Vehicles och Aero Materiel AB have a long history together, where together we have come up with several smart solutions in particular their ambulances. Hinges, AV-arm and electronic locks are some of Aero Materiel’s products that can be found in Nilsson Special Vehicles ambulances. When an ambulance is in motion, it is important that the doors and AV arms have a locking function to prevent things from moving during the car’s journey. Here, Aero Materiel has the solution including a lockable AV arm.